How to Switch Covenants in Shadowlands: A Step-by-Step Guide

Switching Covenants in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands can seem daunting, but with this guide, you’ll find the process straightforward and manageable. Whether you’re looking to optimize your character’s performance or explore a different storyline, this article will walk you through how to switch Covenants effectively

Requirements for Switching Covenants

Before switching Covenants, ensure the following:

  1. Renown Level: If you’re switching back to a Covenant you previously left, you must earn their trust again by completing specific quests. However, there are no Renown restrictions for joining a new Covenant for the first time.
  2. Quest Availability: You must complete the Covenant introduction questline for the new Covenant.

How to Switch Covenants

Follow these steps to switch your Covenant:

Step 1: Visit Oribos

Head to Oribos, the main hub in Shadowlands. Locate the Covenant representatives in the Enclave.

Step 2: Speak to the Desired Covenant’s NPC

Each Covenant has a representative in the Enclave. Speak to the representative of the Covenant you want to join.

  • Kyrian: Polemarch Adrestes
  • Necrolord: Baroness Draka
  • Night Fae: Lady Moonberry
  • Venthyr: General Draven

Step 3: Confirm Your Choice

The NPC will ask if you want to join their Covenant. Confirm your decision to initiate the switch.

Step 4: Complete the Covenant Introduction Questline

Once you’ve joined the new Covenant, you’ll need to complete a short questline introducing their sanctum, abilities, and gameplay features.

Step 5: Re-earn Trust (If Returning)

If you’re rejoining a Covenant you left, you’ll need to complete two weekly quests to regain their trust:

  1. Prove Your Worth: Earn anima and complete world quests.
  2. Rebuild Our Trust: Finish additional tasks to solidify your place.

These quests are typically straightforward but require some patience.

What Happens to Your Progress?

When you switch Covenants:

  • Renown Progress: Your Renown progress with your previous Covenant is saved. If you return later, you can pick up where you left off.
  • Abilities and Soulbinds: You’ll lose access to the abilities, Soulbinds, and conduits tied to your previous Covenant.
  • Cosmetics: You keep any unlocked transmog appearances, mounts, or pets from your old Covenant.

Tips for Switching Covenants

  1. Prepare Resources: Stockpile anima and crafting materials to ease the transition.
  2. Complete Weekly Quests: Ensure you’ve completed any weekly quests tied to your current Covenant before switching.
  3. Research Abilities: Familiarize yourself with the new Covenant’s abilities to maximize their effectiveness.
  4. Join a Community: Shadowlands-focused Discord groups and forums can provide advice and support.

Switching Covenants in Shadowlands allows you to tailor your gameplay experience. Whether you’re chasing a meta build or exploring new lore, the process is worth the effort. Follow the steps above to make your transition smooth and enjoyable.






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