Illari Pixel Spray

How to Get Illari Pixel Spray in Overwatch 2

The Illari Pixel Spray is a reward for completing the “Pylon Power” achievement in Overwatch 2. This achievement demonstrates your ability to effectively use Illari’s Healing Pylon to sustain your team during matches. To unlock this spray, you must restore 8000 health with Illari’s Healing Pylon in a single game, excluding Total Mayhem and co-op modes.

Unlock the Illari Pixel Spray

To earn the Illari Pixel Spray, follow these steps to complete the “Pylon Power” achievement:

Steps to Complete the Achievement:

  1. Select Illari in a match – Illari’s primary healing tool is her Healing Pylon, which she can deploy anywhere on the battlefield. This device heals nearby allies over time, making it a key tool for this achievement.
  2. Focus on sustained healing – The goal is to restore 8000 health in one game. Make sure your Healing Pylon is always active and positioned in locations where your team frequently takes damage.
  3. Position the Pylon effectively – Place your Healing Pylon in areas where it can heal multiple teammates. Ideal spots include choke points, near objectives, or high-traffic areas where team fights usually occur.
  4. Play long game modes – The longer the match, the more opportunities you have to heal. Modes like Control or Hybrid are great choices as they often involve extended team fights around objectives.
  5. Stay close to your Pylon – Keep your Healing Pylon protected. If the enemy team destroys it, quickly replace it to avoid any healing downtime. Using natural cover or hiding the pylon in hard-to-reach places can prevent enemies from easily targeting it.
  6. Build synergy with tank heroes – Tanks like Reinhardt, Orisa, or Winston can absorb a lot of damage, providing you with more opportunities to heal them over time. Stay near your team’s tanks to maximize healing output.

Tips to Complete the Achievement Faster:

  • Use the environment: Place your Healing Pylon in hard-to-see areas, such as behind walls, high ground, or within structures. This will keep it safe from enemy attacks while continuing to heal your team.
  • Deploy your Pylon near objectives: Objective-focused maps such as Control, Hybrid, and Payload maps work well for this challenge since teams often cluster around objectives. Your Pylon will get more healing done when teammates are gathered together.
  • Keep an eye on cooldowns: Illari’s Healing Pylon has a cooldown, so it’s essential to manage it carefully. If your Pylon gets destroyed, make sure to redeploy it as soon as the cooldown is over to minimize healing downtime.
  • Avoid death as Illari: If you get eliminated, your Healing Pylon is also destroyed. Try to stay alive, avoiding overextending or risky plays that might leave you vulnerable.

Recommended Maps and Game Modes:

  • Maps with narrow choke points: Maps like King’s Row, Lijiang Tower, and Eichenwalde offer tight spaces where teams are more likely to stay grouped up, allowing your Healing Pylon to work its magic on multiple players.
  • Modes with team fights: Control maps (like Ilios) or Payload maps (like Route 66) tend to create long, drawn-out engagements that give you more time to rack up healing with your Pylon.

Unlocking Illari’s Pixel Spray is a great way to show off your skill as a support player in Overwatch 2. It not only highlights your ability to sustain your team but also demonstrates that you can efficiently use Illari’s healing mechanics during intense matches.

What happens if my Healing Pylon gets destroyed during the match?

If your Healing Pylon gets destroyed, you will stop healing until you redeploy it. Be sure to quickly replace it once it’s off cooldown to keep accumulating healing.

Are there any specific heroes or team compositions that make it easier to unlock the Illari Pixel Spray?

Team compositions with tank heroes like Reinhardt, Winston, or Orisa are helpful because they tend to take more damage, giving you more opportunities to heal them with your Healing Pylon. Communicating with your team to stick near your Pylon will also help.







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