Category: Guide

  • Overwatch 2: How To Turn Off Vibration On Controller.

    Overwatch 2: How To Turn Off Vibration On Controller.

    For most players, controller vibration is a default setting that many don’t think much about, but for some, it can be quite annoying. If you play Overwatch and want to turn off the vibration, then this article is for you. Whether you’re looking to conserve battery life on your controller or you simply want a…

  • Overwatch: How To Change Hero Settings In  PC, Ps4/5, X-box, Switch.

    Overwatch: How To Change Hero Settings In PC, Ps4/5, X-box, Switch.

    Changing your hero settings can make a huge difference in how you perform, and I’ve noticed this firsthand. When I first started playing, I stuck with the default settings, but as I got more comfortable with certain heroes, tweaking specific controls made them feel much more responsive. Adjusting sensitivity for aim-dependent heroes like Widowmaker or…

  • Overwatch 2: How To Cancel Genji Deflect.

    Overwatch 2: How To Cancel Genji Deflect.

    Genji’s Deflect ability is not only a great defensive tool but can also be canceled to quickly transition into offensive moves. Mastering how and when to cancel Deflect is key to outplaying enemies and maintaining agility in battle. In this article, we’ll break down how to cancel Deflect, when to use this technique and tips…

  • How To Activate Challenges in Overwatch 2.

    How To Activate Challenges in Overwatch 2.

    Activating and completing challenges in Overwatch 2 is a key part of progressing through the game and maximizing rewards. Challenges offer players the opportunity to earn valuable experience points, which contribute to leveling up the Battle Pass and unlocking exclusive skins, emotes, and other cosmetics. They also encourage players to try new heroes, roles, and…

  • How To Save and Share Overwatch Highlights?

    How To Save and Share Overwatch Highlights?

    First, you need to save your Overwatch highlight before sharing it. On all platforms, go to your Career Profile, select the Highlights tab, and choose the clip you want. Once selected, save the highlight to your device. After it’s saved, you can easily upload and share it on platforms like YouTube or social media. The…

  • How To Unmute In Overwatch 2?

    How To Unmute In Overwatch 2?

    Communication is key in Overwatch 2, where teamwork often makes the difference between victory and defeat. However, there may be times when you accidentally mute a teammate or want to reconnect with your squad in voice chat. You might forget to unmute. Mute/Unmute Players in Overwatch 2: Step-by-Step How do I unmute my mic in…

  • How To Enable Subtitles Overwatch 2?

    How To Enable Subtitles Overwatch 2?

    For players who prefer to keep up with in-game conversations visually, enabling subtitles is a simple yet essential step. Turn On Subtitles in Overwatch 2: How To Enable & Disable Text To Speech Overwatch 2: How to Enable Text-to-Speech: How to Disable Text-to-Speech: How do I turn on voice channel in OverWatch 2? To turn…

  • How To Report A Bug In Overwatch?

    How To Report A Bug In Overwatch?

    Encountering a bug in Overwatch can be frustrating, especially when it disrupts your gameplay or affects your overall experience. Whether it’s a glitch, a performance issue, or something more serious, reporting these bugs to Blizzard is crucial for ensuring the game remains enjoyable and fair for everyone. To Report a Bug in Overwatch Follow The…

  • How To Find Id?

    How To Find Id?

    Finding your ID is easy and can be done in just a few steps. 1. Open the Application 2. Log In to Your Account 3. Locate Your ID 4. Find It in Your Profile 5. Check the Blizzard Website 6. View It in the Game Want to Scan A QR Code On…

  • Overwatch 2: Account Merge Pending Easy solution.

    Overwatch 2: Account Merge Pending Easy solution.

    If your Overwatch 2 account merge is stuck in the “Pending” status, here are some easy steps you can try to resolve the issue: 1. Verify Accounts Are Linked Correctly: For Console Players: For PC Players: 2. Wait for Merge Completion: 3. Clear Cache and Restart Game: For PC Players: For Console Players: 4. Re-link…